Exuding flamboyance, FIRE sports lively colours and is decorated by hand, giving each piece its own identity. Its different shapes of coupe plates and bowls with vertical rims offer an unrivalled variety of uses.
主餐盤 螢光綠
圓直深盤 螢光綠
圓直淺盤 螢光綠
圓湯盅 螢光綠
圓平盤 螢光綠
圓深盤 螢光綠
馬克杯 螢光綠霧黑
咖啡杯 螢光綠霧黑
咖啡杯底盤 螢光綠
主餐盤 螢光橘
圓直深盤 螢光橘
圓湯盅 螢光橘